Saturday, July 29, 2006

One Book List

Kate has tagged me to participate in an online One Book Meme, so of course I won't resist an opportunity to mention or expound on books that have affected me in some way or another.

The caveat is that all of my already-read books are still in boxes, and only the unread and recently-read books are out, and without being able to survey the entirety of my tomes, I'm restricting my responses solely to books I've read or reread lately. So here goes.

1. One book that changed your life - Second Nature by Libby Scheier. I lived in a small town until I was finished high school, and in the days before internet, I didn't have much access to contemporary poetry. So when I found her book in the local library (in which I worked), full of poems about gender and sex and politics and other current concerns, with a range of humour, passion, and neo-surrealism, I promptly stole the book. When she later become one of my workshop profs at York U., I confessed to her my moment of pilfer, to which she responded something like, "You actually lived there? Thank god you got out! What a terrible town. And good thing you stole my book, they probably would have burned it! I don't think they'd ever seen a feminist, let alone a Jew before!"

Another author I want to mention, and trangress against the One Book theme, is Gordon Korman's Bugs Potter series of YA books. I loved those! And when I found out that he wrote them when he was just about thirteen years old, it blew my mind and gave me faith that I could keep on writing too.

2. One book you've read more than once - Oyster by Janette Turner Hospital. I don't know how many times I've read this novel; it's one of my favourites, and I gain something new from it each time.

3. One book you'd want on a desert island - Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges. My reason isn't terribly inspired, but I love his work, and it's a huge book. I don't how LONG I'm to be on this island, but that collection would keep me busy and engaged for some time...

4. One book that made you laugh - The Comfortors by Muriel Spark. Thanks Kate for the recommendation. I loved the weird characters, and wished that I had a Baron to hang out with too!

5. One book that made you cry - Liar by Lynn Crosbie. It really did. Some of the stanzas just rip your heart out, and while it's written in a confessional and personal style, the theme of betrayal is universal.

6. One book that you wish had been written - this question I can't answer. There is just so much out there that I want to read that sometimes I worry I'll die before I get to it all. Actually, I probably will.

7. One book that you wish had never been written - I can't answer this with a simple response either. I don't wish any book hadn't been written, I believe censorship is evil, and I'm not going to list books I think are just crap. But one book in recent memory did make me wonder why I read it, or why I read it at a particular time in my life, though I couldn't deny its literary brilliance and significant evidence of talent and insight: The End of Alice by A. M. Homes. It's a great book, but it's deeply disturbing - just read it when you're feeling emotionally strong and not prone to nightmares. I subsequently bought online a copy of Appendix A: which is billed as an "elaboration" on the novel. It is an "art book" that contains some text (can't quite figure out if it's fiction or non or both or neither...), collage, and photographs of evidence from the case that book was apparently based on. I haven't read it or gone through it much yet but it does look fascinating. The back copy reads as follows:
"In an ongoing exploration, highly-acclaimed novelist and art critic A. M. Homes exposes the breadth of her creative process and unleashes her imagination.... a unique investigation of the troubled boundary between truth and fiction, art and evidence. This odd assemblage of the author's clues to the narrator's mind is liquid proof as to the fluidity and fragmentation of identity."

8. One book you're currently reading - Difficult Loves by Italo Calvino.

9. One book you've been meaning to read - Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Not to be confused, initially, with Middlemarch. Not that I would ever do such a thing.

Feels a bit odd for me to be discussing mostly fiction rather than poetry, but that's where my head's at these days.

Okay five people to tag... hmmm that's tough. I don't know enough folks with blogs yet, but how about any interested parties post a link to their own list in the comments or add a list as a comment? I'd like to hear what Lindsay says about this, and Stu for sure, Mary Tyler Morphine, and any member of The Impostors... Bring it on!


At 10:06 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, since you asked... and since I'm at work avoiding the heinous brief I've been not-writing for coming up on two weeks now...

1. Do books change lives? I guess they do. When I was a teenager and I first read books by Ellen Emerson White, I realized that I could write books for teens using my own voice, which was far more colloquial than a lot of the mainstream establishment-propping crap being publised mass market, so I guess reading her books really did change my life, and gave me confidence, much like your experience with Gordon Korman (Son of Interflux! awesome.)

2. Book I've read more than once? Does The Thorn Birds count?

3. Desert island choice: something really hard to understand. Or maybe The Thorn Birds.

4. Book that made me laugh: Microserfs by Douglas Coupland. And, I expect, J-Pod by same.

5. Book that made me cry: Prep, by Curtis Sittenfeld, at the end (I don't think this is really a spoiler...) when the black kid comforts the protagonist and reassures her that she's not as alone as she has always believed herself to be. Hoo-boy did I blubber.

6. Book I wish had been written: the long-promised follow up to the unpublished masterpiece, Home Ice, by Lindsay McDonald.

7. Book I wish had not been written: Probably that crappy chick-"lit" book my dad's wife gave me for my birthday. I don't even remember the name of it, but it was written by TWO people. As Dennis Miller says re: 2 for 1 specials at K-mart, two of shit is shit. I read 5 pages and got really angry (read: jealous) that this crap gets published. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being shallow, but at least do it with some style.

8. Book I'm currently reading: At the moment, I'm book-free. But I'm working through the current issue of Magnet magazine.

9. Books I've been meaning to read:
To Kill A Mockingbird (or To Mock a Booklover for not having read it yet?)
In Cold Blood
Something Smart-Sounding

PS Middlesex is excellent and not to be confused with Middlemarch, which is also excellent but much longer and somewhat flowery with the prose. Not in a bad way. Just sayin. Coincidentally, I read both of them in the past year.

Thank you for the pleasant diversion. If my comment gets cut off due to space restrictions, I apologize to all of you left hanging and craving answers...


At 12:31 p.m., Blogger alixandra said...


At 7:34 p.m., Blogger writer_guy said...

I gave it a shot:


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