Friday, June 16, 2006

Willowdale Park

Today I went for a run up here in North York, and saw some images that made me feel a little more at home. I'm not in Parkdale anymore, but I finally saw some rather Parkdalian activities:
  • Guy with bright green mohawk playing guitar in the park for his merry band of tattooed pals
  • Group of teenaged girls doing b.t.'s, in another area of the park. They must have been on spare, I'm sure they weren't cutting class to do drugs...

Not that these are activities strictly limited to Parkdale, certainly not. But those were the first encounters I've had in this neighbourhood of anything remotely rambunctious or rebellious. I almost cheered them on, but they would have probably thought I was just some weird old person, nearly double their age, gosh, how horrible.

I didn't know people still did b.t.'s. Sasha, are you reading this? Yes, I remember. Ahem.


FIGHT THE POWER by Public Enemy


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