Thursday, July 20, 2006


It seems that my blog has been mercilessly spammed with lame comments... Has anyone else reading this had this problem? I just enabled the word-verification-for-comments option, so hopefully that will help. I don't want to have to moderate and approve comments submitted... any advice?

Spam-a-lot is a new musical, not something to experience on one's blog!


At 11:52 a.m., Blogger Razovsky said...

Approving/moderating comments is no big deal. It's really simple and quick. But yeah, the word verification thing should keep spammers away.


P.S. -- When Peaches was a teenager, my mother interior-decorated her bedroom.

At 10:20 a.m., Blogger gary barwin said...

Surprisingly, I haven't got any spam on my blog (spammers reading this: my blog is called 'Bloggamooga'....), though I get tons on email. Recently I got this very creepy spam email, quite a bit different than the usual though.

I just received the strangest, creepiest spam I think I've ever got.

"The Golden Ball only grants your deepest, innermost wishes, the kind that if
face, trying to press the boy into the ground, holding his long hair with
very thought, which was irrational and unnatural, of laying a path between"


(my word verification: avzmbnx, the sound I sometimes make while turning over in my sleep.)


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