Thursday, May 17, 2007

Evangelical Transit?

What's up with the bible quotations in the subway?!

I did a little poking around the "Bus Stop Bible Studies" website, and it seems they are a Canadian (Scarborough) registered charity, not directly affiliated with any particular religious group other than "Christian." The transit ads quote biblical verses and list information on how to register for a bible study, how to find god, how to become a Christian, and how to donate money to this organization (presumably so they can post more dogma in the subway...).

They must have anticipated some backlash against the public promotion of their beliefs and recruitment, because they've included on their website a pdf of the TTC's advertising standards.

I for one found it jarring to see a scripture where I would normally see an ad for some product I don't need. I've never noticed advertisements promoting a non-Christian religion on the TTC before; has anyone else? I'm usually reading so I may have missed it if this is common practise, but somehow I don't think it is.

My god. What is going on? Is Toronto going all Evangelical like so many areas of the U.S.?


At 10:55 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

dontcha just love when the message of "love" is shoved down your throat? beware, the fundamentalists (in any form). beware the slowly creeping (creepy) infiltration of evangelism. you too could be saved by the blood of christ. bleed sucker bleed...dripping with answers they are. how to find god. that's a good one. especially when god is everywhere.


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