Monday, June 25, 2007

Radio and a Weird Dream

On Tuesday, June 26 from 2pm to 3pm, I will be hosting IN OTHER WORDS for the first time solo.

Tune in! CKLN 88.1 FM or listen live online.

It's going to be a good first show! I'll be conducting an in-depth interview with Kate Sutherland, author of the new short story collection All In Together Girls, and she'll be reading some scenes from the book.

I'm nervous, and last night I had a dream that everything went wrong: dead air, technical panic, unexpected interruptions, and uncoorperativeness. Emily Schultz appeared with a new novel, insisting on reading it all on-air, and Kate was oddly surly and refused to respond. Totally unrealistic events! I mean, I only know Emily a little bit, and she in no way seems like the type who'd barge into an on-air studio, insisting upon reading her new manuscript on my show! For the record, in the dream, I didn't let her. And Kate would definitely not sabotage her own interview by crossing her arms and saying "No!"

I guess it was just a weird anxiety dream. It's a relief really, because it means that nothing will go wrong tomorrow. My apologies to Emily and Kate, for dreaming them in the antagonists' roles!

Anyway, I'm excited to be doing the show, and I hope you all can tune in. Again, the show is called "In Other Words" and is on CKLN 88.1 or at 2pm. I'm the host on the fourth Tuesday of the month.



At 6:07 p.m., Blogger LK said...

I hope all goes well. I'm sure it will, despite the dream...

At 1:11 a.m., Blogger Alexandra Leggat said...

I think it's great that these things present themselves in dreams. How else would we be prepared for the unexpected elements of human nature, as well as the technical difficulties, of course. All due respect to those that appeared in your dream!


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